Seriously. Sign in an upscale mall.


Seen in the International terminal of the San Francisco airport


Father Christmas

English: Thomas Nast's most famous drawing, &q...

English: Thomas Nast’s most famous drawing, “Merry Old Santa Claus” (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In about the 2nd grade, there was a boy in my class who wore the same old, ratty shoes every day.  I remember finding out that his family didn’t have enough money to buy him a new pair.  We weren’t well-off either but I had shoes that fit, without holes, and more than just a single pair.

I don’t recall any details of how it happened, but my wonderful parents decided to buy this boy new shoes.  My dad came into school one day just before Christmas and waited in the principal’s office.  They called the boy out of class and presented him with his new pair of shoes.

What I do distinctly remember is that the boy, flushed with excitement, came running back to the classroom shouting “Santa Claus was here, and gave me shoes!”

Now, my Dad didn’t have white hair back then – it was more reddish – but he did have a full beard (also red) and otherwise kind of fit the description.  Close enough for a young boy to really believe that Santa came and brought him a present.

I’ve never been more proud of my family and, as a kid, I never told anyone who brought the shoes.  I still think about that boy at Christmas, and wonder if he still thinks of “Santa” too.

Hospital Adventures

English: pink ribbon

English: pink ribbon (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Being of a certain age, I had a mammogram 2 weeks ago.  It wasn’t my first, and unlikely to be my last.  (Just a side note – I’m lucky – I don’t find them to be painful or awful, just mildly annoying.)

The next day I received a call from the Women’s Center.  For the record, if they call you it’s likely to be bad news.  I always look forward to the horribly impersonal letter than comes in the mail instead.

Sure enough, there was “something” that the doctor wanted a closer look at.  So the next day I’m back at the Imaging center for another scan.  Then an ultrasound.  Then the doctor comes in – they want to take a biopsy, but I have to come back for it.  She was very kind and said she felt it was likely a benign calcification but just wanted to be sure.  No need to be in any rush to schedule the next appointment.

Yeah, right…I scheduled the appointment for early the next week.  It’s a crazy-busy time of year at work, but I’d rather get it done and over with.

So last Tuesday, back to the center I go.  It was a different doctor but the ultrasound tech promised he was great.  It all went fine – nothing fun, but not really painful either (except for numbing one spot and then starting the biopsy needle in another, whoops).  They guide the needle using the ultrasound.  Then they place a marker at the site so that if it needs to be removed the surgeon can find it precisely.  And if it’s benign then future mammograms will see it and know they can ignore that spot.  Brilliant, actually!

The doctor then told me they wanted to do another mammogram to make sure the marker was in the right spot.  Ummm…really?  He promised it would only be a “gentle” pressure this time.  Hey, I was still numb so I probably wouldn’t have felt much anyhow.

So I get up with my sexy “gown” open to the front, and head back to the mammogram rooms.  Just as I round the corner there’s a *POP* and all the lights go out.  After a (split) second, the emergency power kicks in.  Now to be clear – this is at a real Hospital – with emergency rooms, surgeries, patient beds, and maternity wards.  With no power.

It was actually kind of funny – the techs and doctor were very concerned – “What happened?”  “Should we send people home?” “What do we do?”  (I was a bit perplexed – shouldn’t a hospital have emergency procedures?)  Everyone was looking out the windows – all the hospital cooks seemed to be outside taking their breaks and looking at the power lines.  Apparently, rumor has it, a seagull had flown into a transformer and power was out for several blocks.  Eek.

I waited, and was offered water and juice while they dithered about what to do.  Someone gave me a heated blanket (that was the best part).  Finally they decided I should be sent home.  They’re a “non-critical” part of the hospital and likely wouldn’t get power back anytime soon.  The doctor said if they felt I needed to come back for them to view the marker they’d call me in.  (I thought “Yeah, fat chance – it’s either coming out, or you can check it the next time around!”)

But of course the parking garage still had power.  I here I was hoping they were just going to let everyone out for free.  Sigh.

Two days later, earlier than they said, the doctor called with the test results.  She started telling me it was a something-or-other tumor (at which point my heart started pounding) that was completely benign.  After I was able to take a breath, I said “Next time, I think you should start with the ‘benign’ part.”

I don’t think she got it.


Sennheiser HD555 Headphones

When Sean and I had been together about 18 months, I noticed that I was having to repeat myself fairly often in conversations.  I was worried that years of loud music was taking its toll.  When I scheduled his next physical exam I asked them to do a hearing test.

Sean went to his appointment, and our doctor performed the classic test – put on these headphones, raise your hand when you hear the sound.

At the end, the doctor sat down to give Sean the results.

“Sean, your hearing is fine.  Some might say it’s exceptional.  But, there’s a difference between hearing and listening.  You might want to try listening more.”

So there you have it, doctor’s orders!

(And my favorite part of the story?  That Sean’s the type of guy who actually came home and TOLD me that’s what the doctor said.)


Color mark from Crayola "Red Violet"...

Crayola “Red Violet” crayon. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Last weekend my BFF and I had a spa date for a relaxing girls’ day out in downtown Seattle. We parked in the shopping mall parking garage across from the spa.

After a wonderful relaxing afternoon (my toes are a pretty violet!), we headed back to the car. Somehow we ended up on the wrong floor of the garage. Hmm…no car. Figuring it out, we went back to the elevators and hit the “down” button.

The elevator door opened an a guy started to get out. He was decent-looking, a bit “macho” for my taste, in a thin tight v-neck t-shirt and trendy jeans. His two buddies said it was the wrong floor and pulled him back. We got in and I apologized for making them stop, but that we had gotten off on the wrong floor. He asked if, since he apparently wasn’t sure which floor he was on either, if we had seen his car.

Without missing a beat I replied “No, sorry, I didn’t see a pink Prius.”

All he could do was goggle and mutter “pink Prius?” over and over while his buddies howled.

(We saw them later as we came out of the garage – in a huge Suburban with music thumping. Yeah…that just figures…)


Redesigned logo used from 2011-present.

On her day off, one of my coworkers briefly dropped by the office with her 2-year-old boy.  She had something quick she wanted to get done before running to another appointment downtown.  After a few minutes, though, he was pretty bored.  I’m not great with kids (as I’ve previously mentioned) , but I offered to take him to Starbucks for a steamed apple juice and to get him out of her hair for a bit.

He was so sweet, and held my hand while walking through the retail section of our building (though he was VERY distracted by the toy store, and by Daiso – but who isn’t?!).  Wow, I’d forgotten how slooooooooowly kids walk…those short little legs!

Once at Starbucks we ordered our drinks (including one for mom, of course).  While waiting, he was staring out the window at the fascinating people (some would say loiterers), and rocking side to side.  It took me a moment but I realized that as he rocked, he was dragging his tongue along the glass…licking back and forth…back and forth…EEK!!

I was almost too horrified to tell his mom, but I figured if he contracted an awful disease she’d better know (and luckily his dad’s a doctor).  She told me that was actually his new “thing” – she’d recently found him licking the top of a bench seat at a restaurant.



My husband likes boots. For himself, on women, on anyone – he just likes the look of boots. Tall boots. Preferably with buckles. Or lots of lacings. If we’re somewhere and I notice he’s checking someone out, I know it’s because they’re wearing cool boots. And half the time it’s a guy…

Pretty much anyone who knows Sean knows about his boot “fetish”. (Don’t ask me how many pairs of John Fluevog boots he has…twenty or more I’m sure!). With women, he’s not a “leg-guy” or a “butt-guy” or a “chest-guy”. Nope, he’s a “boot-guy”.

Last week I ordered some clothes online. When they came, I was already wearing leggings, boots, and a big sweater (it’s been cold and rainy here, sadly). I grabbed the box and rushed into the bedroom to try on my new purchases. I slipped on the new skirt and top, but left my boots and leggings on simply out of laziness.

Walking into the kitchen, where Sean was cooking, I asked “how does this look?”

Sean’s attention immediately focused on my feet and he asked “Are those new boots?”

I was dumbfounded for a second. I mean really, I’ve had these for a while. And the skirt and blouse were very obviously new, and not what I was wearing just minutes before!

Finally I gave up. Gesturing to my chest to catch his attention, I said “Honey, my boobs are up here!”


Taken quite literally…

One night I was woken from a deep sleep by a terrible sound – a horribly rumbling noise.  Sean was sleeping on his back and snoring.  Normally it doesn’t bother me much, but this was louder than usual and I couldn’t go back to sleep.

I generally try not to wake him completely.  I gently poked him…nothing.  I poked him a bit harder…still nothing.  I shoved my fist under his shoulder blade…no reaction.  Finally I decided I was going to have to wake him, at least a little.

Poke, poke…”Honey, roll over.”


POKE, poke…”Honey, roll over.”



“Mmm…ok….”  At which point he proceeded to roll over a complete 360 degrees, and onto his back again.

I couldn’t even be mad since he did exactly what I asked!  I guess sometimes you just can’t win.


Sean and I got our youngest cat, Quinn, as a kitten 2 years ago.  He’s all gray except for a small white patch on his chest – we call it his “cravat”.  He’s mostly a very sweet and friendly cat (he’s even sitting on my lap as I type this), except for the occasional moments when he goes completely feral, of course.

A few months ago, as I was lying in bed reading, my husband went to use the adjoining bathroom.  He didn’t shut the door completely and Quinn wandered in behind him.

All of a sudden I heard Sean yell “Quinn, NO!”.  But then he lost all his language skills and next came:

“Aghhhhh!!!  Pee!  Pee on cat!!  Help!”

Poor Sean – I was laughing too hard to do anything but curl in a ball and clutch my sides!

Apparently Quinn had to decided to see what Sean was doing and jumped onto the rim of the toilet bowl.  Then he slipped and landed in the bowl, four feet spread apart so he didn’t touch the water.  But Sean had already started to pee and couldn’t stop immediately (I’m told this is normal for boys?).  Quinn managed to get out of the line of fire, and luckily it took a moment for him to regain his balance.  I was still paralyzed with laughter, but Sean managed to grab him before he made it out of the bathroom.  (I can just imagine damp cat heading for the clumping kitty litter…)

We cleaned him up and he didn’t seem to be any worse for wear.  I think Sean ended up far more traumatized than Quinn was!

And you can bet he’s more careful about closing the door…

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